Everyday musings of the Girlz (and Cache) of SledDawg pack
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I'm just lookin'
If you look closely enough, you will see that the only thing that stands between the vicious husk-a-kitty (Mitsy) and poor Cache is a flimsy screen door.
Our HuMom is a faithful scribe for three sled dogs (Shasta, Sasha and Cache) and a sled dog wanna be White German Shepherd Dog (Whitney). Our world is full of fluff and woo-wooooos. HuMom's job is to accurately relay important thoughtful musings of the three Prince-eSS-es (and Cache). Among the pack is an honorary husk-a-kitty named Mitsy. She is a domestic short-hair/Siamese mix cat. HuMom's various duties include introducing new foster dogs to the world, with the hope of finding forever homes for them as well.
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Me. Not up to anything. Why do you ask?
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